It is coming to the end of the year 2017 but a black man is still a slave. The world sees a black man as a threat, confined in one continent with hopelessness , chronic poverty, famine etc. A black man has been made a beggar all over due to greedy leaders , leaders who don't think about their people but act in interest of colonial masters leaving a wanainchi suffering.
African travel anywhere in the world is a serious hustle . You have to spend your whole life savings to go to Europe or Americas due to bogus visa restrictions.
Pastors going begging in the name of Jesus oh i think this is blasphemy.
Everything isn't functioning the health sector is still down compared to the rest of the world.
Its 2017 but we still have a system of education dating back in the 20th century producing readers not inventors.
But its not too late i think to change Africa we can make Africa look great and we can make Africa a world trade center. We should brand Africa the way america does in the america . We should embrace the technology today to market and brand Africa then the Africa we want will come.


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